Indulge in the charming world of Animal Crossing with this delightful mug set, featuring beloved characters like Tom Nook and Isabelle. The set includes a beautifully designed mug, accompanied by six exquisite Godiva chocolates, inspired by in-game elements like leaves, hearts, and pears. Perfect for Valentine's Day 2024, it's a sweet blend of gaming nostalgia and luxurious chocolate indulgence.
Mug size: 8.6x8.6x9.2 cm // 3.4x3.4x3.6 inches.
This set includes 1 mug, 1 chocolate (6-piece) box, and 2 hot choco powder.
Please Note: If temperatures in your location are above 28°C (82°F), this chocolate product may get heat damaged in transit. We cannot be held responsible for any temperature-related damages caused during shipping. We suggest putting any chocolate that could have melted in the fridge until solid to enjoy.